The social rights in Brazil were firmed and raised to fundamental rights in second generation with the Constitution of 1988, after a time of deep social darkness. The insert of a intermittent employment contract in the brazilian legislation is a target of great concern with the flattening of social rights and with the worker while being social. The constitutional principle of sealing against setback is found deeply threatened by the speech that the Labor Reform came to flexibilize the legisture that have became the truly responsible of the structural unemployment. In this context, the general objective of the present work is to verify to what extent the regulation of intermittent work has come to ratify what has long been fragmented by the new capitalism accumulation regime. The research technique used was the bibliographic review, through the deductive method, inserted in a historical, materialistic and dialectic epistemological conception.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Fernanda Ribeiro Uchoa Teixeira Salles, Taylisi de Souza Corrêa Leite

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